Historical fiction on Delhi’s 1984 riots in e-book format
Posted on Nov 23rd, 2014 in Delhi 84
A fictionalised version of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in Delhi captured in a period of four days — between the assassination and the cremation of former prime minister Indira Gandhi — is now out in electronic book form. Chandigarh-based writer and journalist Roopinder Singh, has in his novella “Delhi-84” captured through the eyes of a law student the trauma of …
Bringing backdrops to the foreground
Posted on Aug 31st, 2014 in Book Reviews
SOMETHING ‘at the back’ or ‘behind’ is what etymology would suggest as the literal meaning of pichhwais but over several hundred years, the word has come to stand for those wonderful textile hangings —painted, embroidered, printed, machine-made — that are specific to the shrines of the Vallabha sampradaya, and hang in the homes of devotees. Krishna is at the heart …