The World According to Sikhi

ONE of the most sought-after erudite writers and speakers in the USA and Canada on matters concerning the Sikhs is a Professor, not of religion or philosophy as you might imagine, but of anatomical sciences at New York University. Dr Inderjit Singh’s latest book The World According to Sikhi, is as thought provoking as it is insightful.

I have had the privilege of knowing Inder since the 1980s when I was in New York, and have always loved him for his writing and admired for being an exemplar in a community that needs many like him.

Cosmopolitan, yet seeped in tradition, open-minded and egalitarian to the core—a much admired teacher known for the values that he upholds and the way he has managed to pass them on to thousands of his students, Inder (as he likes me to call him) stands apart even among the many luminaries that the Indian diaspora has contributed to the world.

I hope that the review you go through will impel you to read his books and learn more.