What Kartarpur means to the Sikhs
Posted on Dec 6th, 2018
Imagine an idyllic setting of a settlement in which the mornings and evenings of residents are devoted to spiritual pursuits even as during the day the residents engage in the hard labour necessary for worldly success. They follow the teachings of Guru Nanak, who lives among them, practising what he preaches, giving a definite shape to his vision. Imagine losing …
Guru Nanak: Timeless teachings with a universal appeal
Posted on Nov 23rd, 2018
The Guru used whatever means necessary to drive home his message: gentle persuasion, humour, sarcasm and even admonition. He was scathing in his criticism of the wanton destruction caused by Babur’s invasion. He taught his followers to stand up for what is true and defend it Roopinder Singh One God, one humankind, devotion to truth and standing up for that …