A liberating journey
Posted on Aug 19th, 2014
“There was that Mother (Mother Teresa) and there is this mother,” said Raghu Rai at the end of “Hazaron Khwahishen ….”his lecture-cum-slide show in Chandigarh, recently. He was pointing to a lady in the audience who had commented on Rai’s presentation. Her words had found much resonance with Rai and the audience, both, because of what she said and how …
Manmohan Singh: Hoping that History will be kinder to him
Posted on May 18th, 2014
Here was a man who had risen from a small village, Gah, now in Pakistan, right to the top of the power pyramid. His two terms as Prime Minister placed him in history books for achievements that were aplenty. But these will be haunted by the failures of his government and the taint all around him. Last Word by Roopinder …