Conversation with Sachit Jain

It was at Art Folio, an art gallery in Chandigarh that I was in “conversation” with Sachit Jain, author of “Ready for Takeoff” nice on Wednesday evening. We share the same publisher, Rupa and Co.

Roopinder Singh in conversation with Sachit Jain, author of “Ready for Takeoff”, at Art Folio, Chandigarh on November 17, 2010.

We discussed the book and also the process of how he wrote it. He managed to finish his draft on the deadline that he had promised himself, and his management philosoply has a lot to do with leading by example, something that I totally agree with.

Facing an audience that had some friends in it made the experience even more pleasurable.

Sachit writes sincerely, and therefore deserves to be read. Please click here to read my review of his book.