Review of Sikh Heritage: Ethos and Relics
Posted on Apr 21st, 2013 in Book Reviews
Rare record of a glorious heritage Harish Dhillon Sikh Heritage: Ethos and Relics by Bhayee Sikander Singh and Roopinder Singh. Rupa. Pages 204. For almost all my adult life, both as a teacher and a writer, I have been a trader in words and have done fairly well for myself in this capacity. Yet, today, when I sit down to …
Looking within from beyond borders
Posted on Mar 31st, 2013 in Book Reviews
Sikhs Today: Ideas & Opinions By I J Singh Ethnic Island. Pages 210. $15 IT was in 1911 that the Pacific Coast Khalsa Diwan Society established the first gurdwara in America at Stockton, California. However, it was in the 1970s and 1980s that the Sikhs started migrating to the US in significant numbers. Preceding them, however, were some doctors and …